IFAI Policy Brief October 28, 2024

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  • Congress remains in recess until after Veterans Day on Nov. 11, 2024. 
  • Registration is open for the FDPIR Supply Chain Disruptions Follow-up Consultation on Dec. 9, 2024. 
  • There are multiple upcoming nominations for agriculture and nutrition-related advisory committees, including the Regional Tribal Conservation Advisory Councils. 
  • USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service is seeking comments on two information collection activities: one for the FDPIR Participant Characteristics and Program Operations Study and another for the WIC & FMNP Outreach, Innovation, and Modernization Evaluation. 
  • Funding for most Farm Bill programs continues until the end of the calendar year. Look for updates in future IFAI Policy Briefs and keep track of Indian Country’s priorities through IFAI’s Farm Bill Tracker. 
  • IFAI is hiring! Check out the open positions on the IFAI job board at bit.ly/IFAIJOBS.  


Tribal Consultation/Listening Sessions/Advisory Committee Meetings 

Title of Event: Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Tribal Consultation to Discuss Sodium Reduction in the Food Supply.  

About: FDA has scheduled an all Tribes call to learn about the Agency’s work to help reduce sodium in the food supply. Americans, including American Indians/Alaska Natives overconsume sodium relative to recommended limits. This consultation will cover FDA’s efforts to reduce sodium in the food supply.  

Consultation Date(s): 

  • Nov. 7, 2024 at 1:00 p.m. central

Title of Event: FDPIR Supply Chain Disruptions Follow-Up Consultation 

About: This event will be a continuation of the FDPIR Supply Chain Disruptions Follow-Up Consultation held on Oct. 9, 2024. Short, medium, and long-term response actions from USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service will form the basis for this consultation.  

Consultation Date(s):  

  • Dec. 9, 2024, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.  
  • In person attendance will be during the Intertribal Agriculture Council’s Annual Conference at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, Nevada.  
  • Virtual participation will be available through Zoom Link – use link below to register whether attending in-person or virtually,

Congressional updates    



Looking Back: 

There were no Congressional hearings to report last week. 

Looking ahead:  


Congress is not in session, and there are no hearings scheduled at the time of publication.

Nomination opportunities: 

If you’re interested in seeking more information on nominations, reach out to agpolicy@uark.edu.

Regulatory/Rulemaking Actions


Title: Longitudinal Study of SNAP Households AKA the Study of Households Insights and Nutritional Experiences (SHINE)  

  • USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is seeking a new information collection request to do a long-term study of SNAP households.  
  • Data collected will allow FNS to carry out a detailed analyses of SNAP participants’ characteristics over time, giving FNS the ability to examine how SNAP households do before and after potential economic upheavals.  
  • Some of the study’s objectives include (1) statistics on sociodemographic and economic characteristics of households; (2) statistics on key household characteristics, and (3) statistics on dietary quality of randomly selected adult households.  
  • Comments must be received on or before Dec. 17, 2024. 

Posted: Week of Oct. 21, 2024 

Title: Agency Information Collection Activities: FDPIR Participant Characteristics and Program Operations Study 

  • USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is seeking comments on whether collection of data (e.g. administrative data collection, survey of FDPIR participants, and onsite observations) is necessary for proper performance of the functions of the agency.  
  • This study will provide current, nationally representative data on FDPIR participants as well as provide a better understanding of the reasons for the decline in FDPIR participation.  
  • The study will also include evaluation of the FDPIR Self-Determination Demonstration Projects, which allowed procurement flexibilities for FDPIR sites.  
  • Comments must be received by Dec. 24, 2024. 

Title: Agency Information Collection Activities: WIC & FMNP Outreach, Innovation, and Modernization Evaluation 

  • USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) is seeking information whether modernization projects related to Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) and WIC Farmers’ Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) have been effective.  
  • The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 provided FNS with $390 million and waiver authority to modernize WIC.  
  • This Outreach, Innovation, and Modernization Evaluation is expected to inform FNS about the implementation and impacts of ARPA-funded projects on the effectiveness of modernization efforts.  
  • Comments must be received by Dec. 27, 2024.  

Posted: Week of Oct. 28, 2024 

Title: Establishment and Call for Nominations for the National Advisory Committee for Implementation of the Bureau of Land Management Public Lands Rule 

  • The Department of Interior’s Bureau of Land Management is seeking comments about the establishment of the National Advisory Committee for Implementation of the BLM Public Lands Rule.  
  • The Council will include a maximum of 15 primary members and up to 15 alternate members.  
  • Two representatives are from Tribal governments.  
  • Comments about the establishment of this committee must be received no later than Nov. 18, 2024. 

Posted: Week of Oct. 21, 2024 

Title: Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Council; Request for Nominations 

  • The Department of Interior and Department of Agriculture seek to fill one vacancy to the Hunting and Wildlife Conservation Council.  
  • The Council makes recommendations about programs and policies with objectives that include (1) conservation and restoration of wetlands, grasslands, and forests; (2) encouraging coordination among public entities that include Federal, State, and Tribal, and territorial governments.  
  • Nominations must be submitted by Nov. 12, 2024 

Posted: Week of Oct. 14, 2024